Niko Dey - Spiritual Instructor

Niko has decades of experience as an artist, a music producer, a teacher, and has also served as a community care initiatives & support leader. At an early age, Niko has always had what is called profound existential intelligence, which is someone who has a natural inquisitiveness about the true nature of existence.

Niko, doesn’t call himself a teacher because he doesn’t believe he teaches. He believes one’s inner or higher self is one’s own personal guru or master, and so, by assimilation and repetition of application is how we teach ourselves. The root etymon for the word education is ‘Edu-ka-ray’, which means to draw out from within. From your own Divinity. There is no need to read hundreds of books or embark on pilgrimages half-way across the globe in order to be ready, we are all born ready. One just has to have the will to practice and the experience, not to become anything new, we will only ever become more of the authentic whole of what we already are.

Niko studied and then began teaching the Ancient Egyptian Mystery School System without any affiliation, membership or attachment or to any religious group, sect, order or school of thought, but rather as a set of tools and instructions of requirements to be utilised and practiced in order to unlock or decipher the many codes to the hidden truths of human existence and the Universe, and also to liberate ourselves from illness and the bondage of the systems and infrastructure of modern society which we find ourselves in today, as opposed to the continual cycle of trying to solve the biggest problems ever in human history we are faced with detrimental to our very survival, with the very same false doctrines that got us in this crisis to begin with. This inventory would include Universal law, ancient teachings & practices, sacred geometry, symbology, astrology, numerology, word etymology and accurate records of the past.

Self Mastery

Although his profile and appearance is not typical of a spiritual practitioner, Niko believes, who he is or his appearance is not as relevant as to the information and instructions he delivers. The Spiritualist isn’t valued upon degrees of of intellectual study, but rather based on real practice and experience of the inner mysteries and ones conduct in their moments on this physical plain. ‘It’s a process which involves pain, contemplation, determination, perseverance and consistency. These are the keys to self-mastery’, explains Niko with a somewhat illusive shroud around his own personal mystical experiences as he proclaims spirituality chose him, not the other way around.

Niko describes himself as a spiritual instructor, entrepreneur and visionary who is of service to the world, and is playing his small but significant part in the upliftment of humanities fall from grace, the awakening to esoteric truths of existence and the awaken of human consciousness to achieve self-realisation.  He is helping Individuals overcome chronic stress, depression, mental ailments from past traumas and negative programming from early formative years and life experiences and also to discover the path to opened consciousness and an expanded experience of the excellence of human life, reaching a super conscious blissful state, known as ‘Nirvana’. This is The God conscious awakening from within the soul involving chakra activation and Kundalini awakening. In the past this was referred to as “The Great Work” and has always been the ultimate potential of Human existence.

Niko Dey - Spiritual & Well-being Instructor

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